Published Articles


MJ Akbar vs #MeToo Movement: How defamation cases play out in India

To constitute the offence of defamation, there has to be imputation and the imputation has to be made in the manner as prescribed in the provision.
Like in any criminal case, the offence of defamation has to be proved beyond any reasonable doubt and the trial includes examination of ocular and documentary evidence of both sides, arguments etc.

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Krishna Sarma

Why biosimilars are a huge opportunity for the Indian biopharmaceutical industry

The global biosimilars market is estimated to touch $15 billion by 2020. There is increased activity and growth in the biosimilars market globally with some of the best-selling biologics going off-patent.
To meet its global aspirations as a vital supplier of biosimilars, India must address some of the fundamental concerns that investors have about the Indian legal and regulatory framework for biopharmaceuticals.

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Sequential opposition delaying drug patents

Price is not the only barrier faced by patients in India. Access to all medicines is a formidable
issue – even to over the counter generic generic medicines. Medicines which are free and part of
Government programmes too do not reach those who need them the most. Further, poor patients
do not have access to even the most basic healthcare. In order to improve public health requires a
collective long-term commitment is required from the government, healthcare providers, and
others comprising the healthcare system, as well as establishment of infrastructure at the local leve

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The insolvency and bankruptcy code is not living up to its promise

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, rests a lot on the pivot of an efficient time frame to ensure speedy resolution. Remember, this was a cause of concern with the erstwhile Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction. A resolution professional has been entrusted with various duties and tasks to ensure in all fairness the protection of the rights of debtors and creditors.

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Maharashtra govt’s loan waiver leaves many questions unanswered

Farmers demand implementation of Swaminathan panel’s recommendations
Reeling under a loan burden, farmer Sharad Ingale, who hails from the drought-prone Khatav taluka of Satara district in Maharastra, has only one expectation from the government. It is not a loan waiver; he wants the government to accept the Swaminathan Committee’s recommendations in letter and spirit.

After unseasonal rains destroyed his potato, onion and other crops, Ingale is unsure about how his family is going to survive. He and other farmers have taken loans from banks, credit societies and private lenders. The State government’s loan waiver of up to ₹2 lakh is not going to be of much help to farmers such as Ingale.

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